How to create better Ads in Facebook Ads Manager

Hitting an awesome Facebook ads makes you go through the whole ad and read it. You get to know what they are selling and may think of purchasing a product or service from them.

You can say that better Facebook Ads lead to higher sales and conversion rates. There’s so much to take into consideration when building a great Facebook Ad. Ad design is important because the more the ad is visually appealing, the more will be the audience getting attracted to it.

You may have an amazing product and a great offer, but it will be impossible to get traction in case your ad is visually unappealing, confusing, or just plain boring.

An awesome ad design:

  •   Attracts your reader’s attention
  •   Educates your audience about you and your product
  •   Aware them of the next step toward conversion

Below are the secrets to Ad design that will make your ad stand out for success. Each one of these secrets is important for experienced marketers as well as beginners. These secrets will help you stop wasting time and money on ads that readers scroll through and that fail to get the conversion.

1.Decide your ad format

Before you begin the ad design, you need to first decide which ad format to use. Facebook currently provides eight main ad formats plus many variations. These are designed for different marketing goals.

The different formats include:

  •  Photo
  •  Video
  •  Stories
  •  Messenger
  •  Carousel
  •  Slideshow
  •  Playablesion
  • Playables

Decide on one of these ad formats accordingly to maximize the impact of your ads. For example, if you want to showcase a wide variety of products, carousel or collection ads will be the right choice. And if you want to show the working of your product, a video or story ad will be right for you.

Decide on one of these ad formats accordingly to maximize the impact of your ads. For example, if you want to showcase a wide variety of products, carousel or collection ads will be the right choice. And if you want to show the working of your product, a video or story ad will be right for you.

2. Facebook Ads Placement

Facebook ad placement is equally important as an ad format.So Choose from the best ad placement for your objective.

  •  Desktop Newsfeed
  •  Desktop Right Column
  •  Mobile Newsfeed
  •  Marketplace
  •  In-stream video
  •  Stories
  •  Audience Network

3.Make your CTA impactful

When you design your ad, keep in mind that you have a moment to impress people else they will scroll down. Use that moment effectively by keeping your call to action clear and easily accessible

Design your ad to attract your audience by embedding your value prop into your image and keeping your CTA clear, simple, and to the point.

4. Make your ad consistent with your landing page

Ads should be in sync with your landing page. Else, high bounce rates can put your campaign at risk!

The ad and the landing page should share the same design elements, such as colors, fonts, and image styles. And also, the content promised in your ad should match the landing page.

When you design your ad and landing page, ensure to design them with common key elements so that readers can easily transit from Facebook to the landing page on your website.

5. Get the right images

Facebook ad images represent your brand. Thus, it’s important to carefully select them that attract the audience.

  •  Use high-resolution images
  •  Your image should clearly show your product
  •  Don’t use too much text

6. It’s easy to make powerful images

You don’t need a great photographer or graphic designer to create powerful images. Hiring a specialist can be pricey. So, check out these free resources: Unsplash and Canva.

On Unsplash, you can get free high-quality images. You just need to type in the keyword and pick from an array of images. On Canva, you can design your image post much like a graphic designer. Canva gives you free and easy tools to create a rocking image for your Facebook post.

7. Your image should be location-specific

Facebook has the advantage that you can target specific demographics or locations. Your Facebook ad design should reflect this by using location-specific images.

It’s about demonstrating the images related to the locals. These geo-targeted ads focus on what locals might want.

8. Image design for mobile

Around 80% of Facebook users access the site only through mobile devices. Thus, your ad design should consider mobile visibility to get best returns.

One of the easiest ways is to start making your videos and images vertical to get better visibility on mobile. So You can also use 360 vertical ads on mobile which you can’t use on desktop.


A great Facebook ad post attracts an audience. The above-mentioned secrets can help you target your audience and lead them to conversion. Rest is up to you to create the best possible ad that fits your brand.


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Willaim Wright

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