What is Product Video Service
A product video is a video that highlights your product’s best features, functionality, use cases, or educates on the purpose behind that product.
When creating product videos, it’s important that they are professional, short, and creative. It’s already been proven that consumers are more likely to engage with video content than any other content medium. Not only will product videos help show consumers why your product is awesome and they should purchase it, but it will help build confidence and trust in your brand.

The Product Video Production Process
Our product video production process will flow smoothly with our tried and true step-by-step process that we’ve been perfecting for years!
Product videos center on an actual product and turn it into the hero of a narrative. Effective product videos could involve UGC-style content, featuring social media influencers or “regular users,” or case studies in which someone explains how a new product solved a problem for them.
We’re disrupting the industry with a cost-minded approach and an outstanding product.
It’s no secret that in today’s age, good video content is extremely important to every brand, but the investment can be staggering. We are here to disrupt the industry and bring a streamlined and cost-minded approach to providing outstanding product video content. With over 1100 product videos under our belt (among those, 700+ on Amazon), we’re experienced in building truly captivating product video content for brands all around the world.
Our goal is to establish a relationship with each brand we work with so we truly get to know their long-term eCommerce marketing goals. We are passionate about the brands we produce video content for: you’ll often find us drinking coffee, using water bottles, and various other products in our daily life from brands we’ve worked with in the past. Whether a brand needs an Amazon product video, a Youtube bumper ad, or a Kickstarter video ad, Micromercial can handle it all.
Interested? Start your business with Product Video services.